Viljandi Healthcare Center

Viljandi Healthcare Center

Patient volume data and service needs guided the design of Viljandi Hospital in Estonia.

In the province of Viljandi in Estonia, constructing a new Healthcare Center was planned, and support in designing the hospital concept was needed. Concept planners and architects draw up a project plan as the basis for an architectural design competition for the upcoming Viljandi Hospital. 

Attention was paid to how the new Healthcare Centre serves the population of the area in a diverse manner and how the integration of services can be carried out efficiently. Designers brought their expertise in healthcare and hospital planning and together with local hospital authorities, these were applied to the Estonian framework.  

Hospital designers analysed the current use of healthcare and healthcare resources, provided functional requirements for the architectural design of the Viljandi’s new healthcare facilities. Operational designers made calculations on capacity needs and evaluated existing plans for their efficiency and functionality.  

They made suggestions on how to improve the existing plans and how to combine the results to the layout and facility planning in collaboration with other experts. In 2018, a functional plan for the new Healthcare Center was ready.  

Framework for evaluation ensured efficient and integrated design 

The designers also established a framework to assess the works submitted to the architectural design competition. The framework supported the selection of the architect office responsible for the implementation and helped evaluate design dimensions that had been identified as part of the operational design.  

In the evaluation, operational and architectural designers emphasised the modularity of the plans, integration of specialised and primary healthcare services, consultation opportunities for nursing staff and doctors along with conceptualisation of space solutions. Based on the results of the architectural design competition, the medical technology of the new hospital was design by Finnish experts. 

Viljandi Healthcare Center


Project in numbers:

  • Largest general hospital in Estonia 
  • Outpatient and diagnostic clinic 
  • Surgical clinic 
  • Clinic of Emergency Medicine and Internal Medicine 
  • Psychiatric clinic 
  • Welfare center 
  • Addiction Treatment and Rehabilitation Center

IHDA partners working together in Viljandi Hospital: 

  • Nordic Healthcare Group – Concept planning and creating evaluation framework for architectural design, capacity calculations 

  • ONE Architects – Concept planning and creating evaluation framework for architectural design, architectural design for the competition? 

  • Integrated Healthcare Design – Medical technology design for the new hospital


Antti Alho 
Senior partner, Nordic Healthcare Group  
+358 40 534 6658  

Anssi Hakarinne 
Head of MedTech, AINS Group
+35840 659 8300

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